php – Trying to composer update this error came up on CentOs

The error message indicates that the “fileinfo” extension is missing from your system. To resolve this issue, you need to install the “fileinfo” extension and enable it in your PHP configuration. Here are the steps to do this on a CentOS system:

Install the “fileinfo” extension using the following command:
yum install php-fileinfo

Restart the Apache web server to make sure the changes take effect:
systemctl restart httpd

Verify that the extension is enabled by creating a new PHP file with the following contents:


Open the PHP file in a web browser and look for the “fileinfo” extension in the list of enabled extensions. If it is not listed, you may need to edit your PHP configuration file (php.ini) and add the following line: extension=fileinfo

Restart the Apache web server again to make sure the changes take effect.

After verifying that the “fileinfo” extension is enabled, run the “composer update” command again to install the dependencies for your Laravel project.

This should resolve the issue and allow you to successfully install the dependencies for your Laravel project.

Read more here: Source link