kubernetes – kubectl short alias for deployment
you can create an alias or you can can add plugin in the ~/.zshrc
vi ~/.zshrc
and add
then you can use the common alias given below or kgd
or you can try
# Deployment management.
alias kgd='kubectl get deployment'
and then
There are a couple of aliases that you can use regarding deployment.
| | | **Deployment management** |
| kgd | `kubectl get deployment` | Get the deployment |
| kgdw | `kgd --watch` | After getting the deployment, watch for changes |
| kgdwide | `kgd -o wide` | After getting the deployment, output in plain-text format with any additional information |
| ked | `kubectl edit deployment` | Edit deployment resource from the default editor |
| kdd | `kubectl describe deployment` | Describe deployment resource in detail |
| kdeld | `kubectl delete deployment` | Delete the deployment |
| ksd | `kubectl scale deployment` | Scale a deployment |
| krsd | `kubectl rollout status deployment` | Check the rollout status of a deployment |
| kres | `kubectl set env $@ REFRESHED_AT=...` | Recreate all pods in deployment with zero-downtime
you can find more common list here
Read more here: Source link