Generate RegEx to filter Google Search Console Performance Report using ChatGPT

Generate a regular expression that matches any of the following terms:

To match any of the following terms: remoters, remote,, you can use the following regular expression:
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This regular expression uses the `|` character to specify multiple alternatives. The `\.` character is used to match a literal period, as `.` has a special meaning in regular expressions (it matches any single character).
This regular expression will match any of the following strings: “remoters”, “remote”, ““. It will not match any other strings, even if they contain the word “remoters” or “remote”.
Note that this regular expression is case-sensitive, so it will not match any strings that have the word “remoters” or “remote” in a different case (e.g., “Remoters” or “REMOTE”). To make the regular expression case-insensitive, you can use the `i` flag, like this:
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