Feature Request – Importing BWF multichannel waveform Takes on same channel into separate tracks

Hi Avid,


   I’ve been banging my head against a wall for the past 24 hours trying to get Broadcast Wave Files (six separate ones) that originate on the same track (A1), imported and separated out to unique tracks (A1, A2, A3, A4… and so on). It would be amazing if the latest versions could import these with directives on where you would like the specific tracks to land. To be fair, I’ve named the tracks beforehand to achieve the desired result; 01_STEVEN_01, 01_SARA_02, 01_BRYAN_03, etc. But Avid’s not following suit with how it used to do in previous releases; v6, v7, v8.  What gives?  And can we get that piece of code written back in or have easier control on how these are imported by designating in a dialog box where we want them to land, or change them once they’ve been imported?




System specs: MacPro 2013, 64GB RAM, 12 Core Intel Xeon E5, Avid Media Composer v2021.3


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