Clashing Tones/Frequencies when having different Cents? (in: Production Technique…)
By: Caine123
10 Feb 14:16
hi guys, oh man i never cared in the past much about this and learned so much throughout the years and i used a lot the MASTER PITCH in FL Studio and wondered myself WHY this affects a lot of VSTs and instances differently. e.g. i got Project A:
1x Sylenth1
3x Gladiator 2
2x Nexus 2
Sylenth1 is PB (Pitchbend Range) = 2
Gladiator PB = 12
Nexus 2 = 2
Master Pitch is set to -100 Cents
Gladiator is then exactly -1 Semi
Sylenth1 and Nexus 2 are around or exaclty -20 Cents (if i checked correctly….
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