Which webrtc server to pick for Android/iOS app ? (many to many rooms)

I am making a many to many rooms app (I mean like group calls).
I just finished doing a test website with janus (using the demo videoroom), but now I guess the next step is to translate the janus.js file into Kotlin/Swift… I’m not sure this is the best thing to do.

I noticed that jitsi has a SDK for android/ios, I think it use React native, I don’t know about this but I would prefer something native/light…

The app should be able to load several rooms with several publishers (of course I guess I will need several servers).

Should I use jitsi SDKs and try to make something native from it ?
Should I try to translate janus.js and get something more powerful ?
Should I look for another webrtc server ?

Do you have any suggestions ?

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