virtualhost – Multiple version of PHP on different Virtual Hosts (Manjaro Linux)

I’m on Manjaro Linux.
I would like to be able to configure apache, php, mariadb and phpmyadmin.
I would like to create a virtual host for each project.

The structure should be this:

  • /home/user/www/site1/ (PHP 8.2)
  • /home/user/www/site2/ (PHP 8.1)
  • /home/user/www/site3/ (PHP 8.0)

I would like to be able to access the site via the addresses:

  • site1.test
  • site2.test
  • site3.test

On “site1” I would like the root document to be:

  • /home/user/www/site1/public (Laravel installation)

Can you tell me the procedure for doing this?

If possible, also enable HTTPS on virtual hosts…

Thanks in advance to everyone.

Read more here: Source link