SSL Native Channel Strip 2 & Bus Compressor 2 – Page 3 – Effects Forum

I just noticed that the Channel Strip 2 has the option to select either the E or G channels. In my previous post, I was using the G channel mode (default), and it is more “mellow” with bigger curves, plus the shelves have the push-pull effect. E-channel allows for more Q, and the shelves are “normal.” The filters of the SSL native are more accurate, to a degree, where the 3dB cutoff freq more closely lines up to what’s on the dial. Still a bit of a difference, which is fine. Compression knees in the SSL native are a bit harder and grabbier, and I prefer the sound of the SSL native, for sure, compared to the Waves. CPU load is very light, which is awesome, even on HQ mode.

This is a no-brainer deal, really, at least for me. The GUI is a bit bloated, especially for the Bus Comp; lots of wasted space, but the Waves version is retiring to the plugin closet.

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