soql – Cannot query ‘AutomatedAction’?

According to the Object Reference, AutomatedAction is a Standard Object available in API 57.0 and later. However, I have tried querying it from Developer Console, from Apex, and via SOAP API in a couple of orgs, and I get the error:

Object type ‘AutomatedAction’ is not supported. If you are attempting to use a custom object, be sure to append the ‘__c’ after the entity name.

Is there some special permission needed? I have the standard Sysadmin profile in orgs where I have tested this.

(NOTE: What am I trying to accomplish? I’m down a rabbit hole trying to see if there is a way to query the scheduled (future) publication time of a Knowledge Article, which doesn’t appear to be possible, but along the way I ran into this object, and now I want to understand why it isn’t available.)

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