salesforcedx cli – Unable to load schema from \vscode\**\node_modules\@salesforce in Visual Studio
After installing Visual studio, I downloaded Salesforce Cli for Windows.
I can see in C:\Program Files\sf\client\node_modules
Also in C:\Users***\vscode\extensions I can see
-> There are not all the directories with the @
But when opening the sfdx-project.json file after the creating of the project
I have the error Unable to load schema from c:\Users***.vscode.extensions\salesforce.salesforcedx-vscode-core-61.12.0\node_modules@salesforce\schemas\sfdx-project.schema.json’: ENOENT: no such file or directory
(I would think to copy the “@Salesforce” directory into C:\Program Files\sf\client\node_modules but the command SFDX:Retrieve this source from Org displays “No components in the package to retrieve”)
Do you have any idea of the resolution to apply?
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