RabbitMQ on Windows with SSL for message queues

We have just set up RabbitMQ on a Windows server and want to use SSL for it. I’ve read through the documentation but this only goes through using an untrusted “testca” cert. I wish to use either:

A cert generated from our internal CA or a publicly generated cert from Let’s Encrypt.

Setting up the GUI to use SSL has been done via the .Conf file, as has the listener confing, but I am struggling to get the message queues to use SSL, so is now accessible via rabbitmqserver.domain.com:15671. Looking at the RabbitMQ logs shows that the listener is listening on port 5671.

The logs are also stating:

2024-08-20 10:52:17.017000+01:00 [notice] <0.10369.0> TLS server: In state wait_finished >received CLIENT ALERT: Fatal – Certificate Unknown

2024-08-20 10:52:58.217000+01:00 [error] <0.10389.0> ** Connection attempt from node >’rabbitmqcli-410-rabbit@server’ rejected. Invalid challenge reply. **

Has anyone used either of the above methods successfully and can point me in the right direction, please?


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