python – I install ffmpeg in the AWS EC2 environment and convert the audio .wav file to .m4a, but I’m having trouble with loud noise

I install ffmpeg in the aws EC2 environment and convert the audio wav file to m4a, but I’m having trouble with loud noise I don’t know how to set parameters without noise.

The ffmpeg version is ffmpeg-5.1.1-amd64-static.

In this same environment, ffmpeg can convert video .mov files to .mp4.

Source code:

if '.m4a' not in
     v_f_m4a ='.')[0] + '.m4a' # info_audio/hoge.m4a

     dir_in = settings.MEDIA_ROOT + "" + str(m_result.push_voice1)
     dir_out = settings.MEDIA_ROOT + "" + v_f_m4a # lp_photo1

     stream = ffmpeg.input(dir_in) # .wav file input
     # output
     stream = ffmpeg.output(stream, dir_out) # .m4a file output
     # execution, overwrite_output=True, capture_stdout=True, capture_stderr=True) # generate m4a
     dir_in = settings.MEDIA_ROOT + "" + str(m_result.push_voice1)
     os.remove(dir_in) #media/info_audio/hoge.wav
     m_result.push_voice1 = v_f_m4a # Rewrite to new file name info_audio/hoge.m4a # update

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