php – regex for checking URL’s wildcard for both subdomain and top level domain?

Is it possible to modify this current php regex to allow '*example.*'?

$wildcardUrlPattern = '/^(https?:\/\/)?(\*[a-z0-9-]*\.)?[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]*)*(\.\*[a-z0-9-]*)?$/i';

// Test URLs
$urls = [
    'example.*',      // Domain with wildcard TLD
    '*',   // Wildcard domain with fixed TLD
    '*.example.*',    // Wildcard subdomain with wildcard TLD
    '*',  // Wildcard subdomain with fixed TLD
    '*example.*',     // Wildcard domain with wildcard TLD
    'http://example.*', // Protocol with domain and wildcard TLD
    'http://*' // Protocol with wildcard domain and fixed TLD

foreach ($urls as $url) {
    if (preg_match($wildcardUrlPattern, $url)) {
        echo "$url: Valid URL with wildcard\n";
    } else {
        echo "$url: Invalid URL\n";


example.*: Valid URL with wildcard
* Valid URL with wildcard
*.example.*: Valid URL with wildcard
* Valid URL with wildcard
*example.*: Invalid URL (should also be valid)
http://example.*: Valid URL with wildcard
http://* Valid URL with wildcard

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