OXI One Ableton Midi Setup

Dear OXI Friends,

I am quiet new to the OXI One but I am having a lot of fun learning it and I am still trying out different ways to find the best setup.

Having an easy to use template with the least latency in Ableton to record stuff directly.

Ableton, OXI One, RME Fireface UCX II, Analog Rytm MKII, Waldorf Iridium, Super 6

OXI one is connected over usb to my MacBook to Ableton, MIDI ins transferred from the Fireface to => Rytm => Iridium => Super 6
For every sequencer I have one MIDI Channel in Ableton to receive the MIDI information over USB from the OXI and send it over the MIDI out of the Fireface so the Synths can receive it on their dedicated MIDI channels. I do so for the Iridium and the Super 6. The Rytm is sequenced internally, but it is in the chain for synching everything.

I would like to know if this is the smartest way to setup everything. It is a little bit annoying that I have to solo two tracks in Ableton (the MIDI Channel for the instrument and the audio channel for the instrument) to solo one instrument.

Some Feedback and tips from advanced users would be highly appreciated.

Thanks everyone.

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