oracle 12c – Can not set ORACLE_BASE with oraenv command after install in CENTOS 7 server
Im trying to install Oracle DB version in my customer server, my installer file name is oracle-instantclient12.1-basic- After run this file with sudo rpm -i oracle-instantclient12.1-basic-
I can not see any message and ORACLE_BASE or ORACLE_HOME folder is missing too. I tried some steps:
export ORACLE_BASE=/usr/lib/oracle/12.1/client64
run oraenv, it asks ORACLE_SID and ORACLE_HOME but when enter I get error
ORACLE_BASE environment variable is not being set since this
information is not available for the current user ID ABC.
You can set ORACLE_BASE manually if it is required.
Resetting ORACLE_BASE to its previous value or ORACLE_HOME
The Oracle base has been set to /home/oracle -
Try to reinstall rpm file but nothing good happen.
With missing home folder from installer I can not set many things, I can not do like desktop enviroment with user interface. Please help me.
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