newrelic – Can’t see the logs for new relic on python service
I’m trying to add the logs from my python service that runs on a docker
I followed this tutorial:
So I added this: RUN newrelic-admin generate-config defcf97e23c0621d66d085a35e56f93fac788774 newrelic.ini
to my docker file
and changed my entrypoint to run my python like this: NEW_RELIC_CONFIG_FILE=newrelic.ini newrelic-admin run-program python
and when I look at the logs on my pod I can see that the new relic is being used:
2022-09-29 14:09:43,457 (6/MainThread) newrelic.core.agent INFO - New Relic Python Agent (
But when I look at new relic in the new service I created for it in Services – APM I can’t see it for some reason:
Am I looking at the wrong place or am I missing something?
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