Nested repeats | MuseScore

I’m using Musescore v4.4.4. I have a song with 5 verses, a refrain, and coda. The structure I want is
Intro A B A B B A B B A Coda
where A is the refrain and the Bs are the verses (each with different lyrics).
I have a start-repeat-section at the beginning of the A (refrain) section right after the intro and a segno at the start of the B (verse) section. At the end of the B section I have a repeat volta marked 1,3,5 ending with a DC (supposed to take you back to the start of A) followed by another volta marked 2,4 ending with a DS (supposed to take you back to the segno).
Playback can’t handle it. It plays Intro A B(to first volta bar) A B(to first volta bar) Intro A B(to first volta bar followed immediately by second volta bar) B(to first volta bar followed by second volta bar followed by Code).
Can anyone think of a way to fix this?

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