Metric reference | Yandex.Cloud – Documentation

RATE, bytes The size of queries received by the database in a certain period of time.
api_service: The name of the gRPC API service, such as table.
method: The name of a gRPC API service method, such as ExecuteDataQuery. api.grpc.request.dropped_count
RATE, pieces The number of requests dropped at the transport (gRPC) layer due to an error.
api_service: The name of the gRPC API service, such as table.
method: The name of a gRPC API service method, such as ExecuteDataQuery. api.grpc.request.inflight_count
IGAUGE, pieces The number of requests that a database is simultaneously handling in a certain period of time.
api_service: The name of the gRPC API service, such as table.
method: The name of a gRPC API service method, such as ExecuteDataQuery. api.grpc.request.inflight_bytes
IGAUGE, bytes The size of requests that a database is simultaneously handling in a certain period of time.
api_service: The name of the gRPC API service, such as table.
method: The name of a gRPC API service method, such as ExecuteDataQuery. api.grpc.response.bytes
RATE, bytes The size of responses sent by the database in a certain period of time.
api_service: The name of the gRPC API service, such as table.
method: The name of a gRPC API service method, such as ExecuteDataQuery. api.grpc.response.count
RATE, pieces The number of responses sent by the database in a certain period of time.
api_service: The name of the gRPC API service, such as table.
method: The name of a gRPC API service method, such as ExecuteDataQuery.
status: The query execution status. To learn more about statuses, see Error handling. api.grpc.response.dropped_count
RATE, pieces The number of responses dropped at the transport (gRPC) layer due to an error.
api_service: The name of the gRPC API service, such as table.
method: The name of a gRPC API service method, such as ExecuteDataQuery. api.grpc.response.issues
RATE, pieces The number of errors of a certain type, which occurred when executing queries during a certain period of time.
issue_type: The type of error, the only value is optimistic_locks_invalidation. For more information about locks invalidation, see Transactions and queries to YDB.

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