Meaning of Spike Viewer Graphs

I’ve started to explore the OpenEphys GUI with the stereotrode
example data that comes with it, and I have some questions about the
Spike Viewer.  It looks like it’s performing PCA for spike-sorting, but I
haven’t found any documentation that explicitly clarifies this.  Would
you be able to answer a few questions for me?

How does what’s displayed on the waveform viewer relate to the raw
signal?  If I’m not mistaken, each electrode on the stereotrode has only
one channel, so I would only expect one waveform. Why are there five
waveforms displayed in the waveform viewer?  Are these the principal
components used to sort the spikes?

 – What is the x-axis on the waveform viewer and what are its units?

What is the y-axis on the peak viewer, and what are the units for the
x- and y-axes on the peak viewer?  The x-axis appears to be spike amplitude.

If you know of any good resources for further reading, I’d appreciate those as well!


Michael Loftus

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