macos – does not open anymore: it bounces 2 times and stops. Is there a fix?
After updating Visual Studio Code June 2024 (version 1.91) on macOS Big Sur v.11.710, It does not open the anymore. It bounces 2 times and stops.
I deleted the code.lock file located at /Users/Name/Library/Application\ Support/Code/code.lock
I even restored it from my Time Machine backup and it does the same thing (bounces 2 times and stops).
Is anyone having the same issue, is there any fix?
Table of Contents
I did all the steps below for troubleshooting.
Backup VSCODE via terminal
code --list-extensions \>\> \~/Desktop/vscode_extensions.text
cat \~/Library/Application\\ Support/Code/User/settings.json \>\> \~/Desktop/vscode_settings.json**\
Backup KeyboardShortcuts
cat \~/Library/Application\\ Support/Code/User/keybindings.json \>\> \~/Desktop/vscode_keybindings.json
Remove VSCode From macOS
# rm -rf /Applications/Visual\\ Studio\\
Remove Meta files amd settings/extensions
# sudo rm -fr \~/Library/Perferences/
rm -fr \~/Library/Preferences/com.mircosoft.VSCode.plist
rm -fr \~/Library/Caches/com.mircosoft.VSCode
rm -fr \~/Library/Caches/com.mircosoft.VSCode.ShipIt
rm -fr \~/Library/Application\\ Support/Code
rm -fr \~/Library/Saved\\ Application\\ State/com.mircosoft.VSCode.savedState/
rm -fr \~/.vscode\
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