Kubernetes Intro – HackMD

# Kubernetes Intro

– Local Google cloud setup
– Tools

#### Setup

– Install google SDK:
region -> (europe-west4-a)

– Install kubectl:

– List available clusters in our account

gcloud container clusters list

– List our available contexts

kubectl config get-contexts

– Add one cluster to our available contexts

gcloud container clusters get-credentials acceptance

– Change context
kubectl config use-context acceptance

– List contexts
kubectl config get-contexts -o=name

– Tool to fancy navigate through contexts:

#### Namespace

– List namespaces
kubectl get namespaces

– Change namespace
kubectl config set-context –current –namespace=equalture-8828728

– Fancy namespaces navigation

(I think it is installed with kubectx)

#### kube-ps1

Allows to easily know in which cluster and namespace you are

#### Basic steps

kubectl get pods

kubectl get services

kubectl get cronjobs


#### Check logs

kubectl get pods

kubectl logs <pod-name>

kubectl logs -f <pod-name>

#### k9s



#### Check secrets

– All secrets file for current
kubectl get secrets

– Applying base64 decoding
kubectl get secrets jerry-google-cloud-credentials -o json | jq ‘.data | map_values(@base64d)’

– Edit secrets:

kubectl edit secrets jerry-google-cloud-credentials

#### Cluster debugging

kubectl get events

# End


Read more here: Source link