java – Create maven project from scretch takes too long (over 3 hours) using eclipse linux 2022-12 (4.26.0)

so the case is I was learning and tried to create a maven webapp project from scretch by using eclipse version 2022-12 (4.26.0) in ubuntu 22.04.

I already install ‘maven instegration for eclipse’ and ‘eclipse m2e – maven support in eclise IDE latest’ in my eclipse. But it seems something gone wrong and the project was failed to be created even after spent 3 hours.

This is the latest state I capture from my eclipse during project creation:

enter image description here

I already browse through the internet but still can not figure how to solve this problem. Will be thankful for any help.


Expecting any help that can help my maven webapp project in eclipse to be created.

Read more here: Source link