How to uninstall Visual Studio 2022 when uninstaller says it can’t find a dependent package (e.g. dependent package is Component.OneApi…_which isn’t installed)
Somehow the Intel OneAPI installer was installed which has hooks into Microsoft Visual Studio 2022. The OneAPI would not install correctly with VS 2022 so I uninstalled OneAPI. Now I cannot uninstall Visual Studio 2022 because the installer (and even the repair option) says “Sorry, something went wrong. The dependent package of Microsoft.VisualStudio.Product.Professional.version=17.0.32126.317 <yadda yadda yadda> cannot be found: Component.OneApi.63b21<yadda yadda yadda>
Pressing the OK button on this dialog dismisses the dialog and nothing is uninstalled or repaired.
This is very similar to a posting which had no mentioned solution, the posting was titled: “VS Professional 2017 – repair installation: The dependent package of ‘Microsoft.VisualStudio.Product.Professional,version=15.9.28307.423’ cannot be found: Component.Microsoft.VisualStudio.Tools.Applications,version=15.0.27520.3.”
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