How to Set return of perl function in request header using nginx
Could anyone help me with nginx with a perl module?
I have already managed to create a function in Perl using the ubi8/nginx-124 image but I am not able to set the result of the function in the header.
Having this in nginx configuration file:
http {
perl_modules /opt/app-root/etc/nginx/nginx-perl/;
perl_set $test module1::handler; #it is not calling the function here, it is only called in the location block
location = /perl {
perl module1::handler; #I've already tried with and without this line
add_header X-My-Header $test; #I tried adding the header this way and from within the code with $r.But both without success
and this perl file:
package module1;;
use nginx;
sub handler {
my $r = shift;
my $foo = 'foo';
$r->header_out("WWW-Authenticate" => $foo);
return $foo;
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