How do cpu-intensive plugins perform with the Ryzen 9 7950x ? – Computer Setup and System Configuration Forum

Switched to a Ryzen 7700x last year, previoid was an Intel 8086k wit 6 cores at 5ghz.

This makes a big differerence I can generate 80% more load on the system.
The 7950x is one of the fastest CPU availabe and it can run heavy plugins. But you can overload every CPU if you want.

Ich was able to stutter the old CPU when using Heavy plugins on my projects, this is not the case anymore.

Actually on Windows it can be even better with only 12 cores and 24 threads, read somewhere about that more 24 threads can slow down audio processing.

Istead of an 7950x now, I would rather wait for the 3D cache CPUs and pick up a 12 core if on Windows.

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