How can I split every parts of STEP file and thier names?

Question1 : Now I could use XCAFDoc_ShapeTool and XCAFDoc_ColorTool to get all shapes and all colors in XDE document.However, I don’t know how to attach these colors to their shapes.How can I get the relationship between colors and their shapes?This is my code:

std::vector<Handle(AIS_Shape)> myReadSTEP(QString &modelFileName)
    Handle(TDocStd_Document) doc;
    XCAFApp_Application::GetApplication()->NewDocument("MDTV-XCAF", doc);

    STEPCAFControl_Reader myReader;


    TDF_Label mainLabel = doc->Main();
    Handle(XCAFDoc_ShapeTool) myShapeTool = XCAFDoc_DocumentTool::ShapeTool(mainLabel);
    Handle(XCAFDoc_ColorTool) myColors = XCAFDoc_DocumentTool::ColorTool(mainLabel);

    TDF_LabelSequence FreeShape;

    TDF_LabelSequence FreeSubShape;
    std::vector<Handle(AIS_Shape)> shapeList;
    TDF_LabelSequence aColLabels;
    // color
    for(TDF_LabelSequence::Iterator aColIter(aColLabels);aColIter.More();aColIter.Next())
        Quantity_Color aCol; // to receive the values
        TDF_Label aColLabel = aColIter.Value();
        Handle(XCAFDoc_Color) aColorAttr;

        if (!myColors->GetColor (aColLabel, aCol)) { continue; }
         qDebug() << aCol.Red() << aCol.Green() << aCol.Blue();

    // get every sub-shape

        for (int index = 1;index <= FreeSubShape.Size();index++)
            TDF_Label label = FreeSubShape.Value(index);

            TopoDS_Shape aShape = myShapeTool->GetShape(label);
            Handle(AIS_Shape) ais_shape = new AIS_Shape(aShape);

// ------------------------------Name------------------------------
//            Handle(TDataStd_Name) aNameAttr;
//            if(!label.FindAttribute(TDataStd_Name::GetID(), aNameAttr))
//            {
//                qDebug() << "no name is attached!";
//            }
//            TCollection_ExtendedString aName = aNameAttr->Get();
//            TCollection_AsciiString Asciiname(aName);
//            std::string stringName= Asciiname.ToCString();
//            qDebug() << QString().fromStdString(stringName);

    return shapeList;

I found that This data structure is fitted for data exchange, rather than for use by the final application; in OCCT manual.Is XDE not the best option to display STEP file? Does XDE need XCAFPrs_AISObject to solve problems?

Question 2: Annotated code can get the name of sub-shape.However , the output only is NAUO01or NAUOXX.What is the reason for this quesiton?

Thanks in advance!

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