How can I learn how to implement filters from scratch? (C++) (in: DSP and Plugin Devel…)
By: JustinJ
11 Nov 01:15
For the z-transform, here’s what I’m using. My variables are as named the same as in the SvfLinearTrapOptimised2 paper.
float SVFFilter:(double frequency, double sampleRate) const
auto z = std::exp(std:<double>(0.0, -2.0 * M_PI) * frequency / sampleRate);
const double gsq = g * g;
const auto zsq = z * z;
const auto twoz = z * 2.0;
const double gm1 = g * m1;
const double gk = g * k;
const double twogsq = gsq * 2.0;
auto numerator = gsq * m2 * (zsq…
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