Forge Viewer: getExternalIdMapping() to return only certain dbIds from certain externalIds
A few ways depending on what exactly you need. Here’s what I’ve done.
function getDbIdFromExternalId(externalIds) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
viewer.model.getExternalIdMapping((d) => {
//console.log("getDbIdFromExternalId Executed");
let responseArr = [];
externalIds.forEach(externalId => {
if(d[externalId]) responseArr.push([d[externalId], externalId]);
/*Your external IDs in here*/
var externalIds = ['23287','23292','23291'];
/*response is set here*/
var response = await getDbIdFromExternalId(externalIds);
Expected value of response
(with my autocad viewer): [[39675,"23292"],[39674,"23291"]]
That way you can see the pair. Notice I threw in a value that didn’t map to anything, so the array was only populated with what it found.
Read more here: Source link