FFMPEG Credits using png – Super User

Can I add credits roll-up to a video using a png file and make it show at a certain time and last for 20 seconds? I have a 5:30-minute long video file, and I have a PNG file that’s 7000 pixels high with transparent background, using ffmpeg, can I make the PNG file slide from bottom to top at a certain second and last for 20 seconds max while making sure it doesn’t cover the video file and still have a transparent background? I tried creating a credits video and combining it with the original video, but I can’t get the transparent background for some reason which is frustrating. This is the code I used to creat the credits video:

ffmpeg -f lavfi -i color=color=0xff0000@0.0:s=1920x1080,format=rgba -loop 1 -t 0.5 -i "rollup_test.png" -filter_complex "[1:v]colorkey=0xff0000:0.2:0.0,scale=1920:-2,setpts=if(eq(N\,0)\,0\,1+1/0.05/TB),fps=30[fg]; [0:v][fg]overlay=y=-'t*h*0.05':eof_action=endall[v]" -map "[v]" -pix_fmt yuv420p -preset ultrafast -y credits.mp4 

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