Export .stl or .obj from 3D spectrogram using python
Not that easy. You need to connect your vertices to a triangle mesh (shape n, 3, 3)
Then you can use mk_stl_mesh to generate and export_stl_mesh to save:
def export_stl_mesh(*args, fileName:str, **kwargs):
exports geoms mesh as stl file
call like: im_ex_port.export_stl_mesh( np.flip(d.vtx[0][d.geoms[0].mesh], -1 ),
content = mk_stl_mesh(*args, **kwargs)
exportPath = os.path.join(sts.mediaPath, 'stls', f"{fileName}.stl")
with open(exportPath, 'wb') as f:
print(f"stl saved to exportPath: \n{exportPath}")
def mk_stl_mesh(mesh, *args, **kwargs):
bounds = f"solid Exported from geometries.py" + '\n'
content = bounds
for triangle in mesh.reshape(-1, 3, 3):
content += ('facet normal 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000' + '\n')
content += ('outer loop' + '\n')
for point in triangle:
content += (f"vertex {' '.join([f'{t:6f}' for t in point])}" + '\n')
content += ('endloop' + '\n')
content += ('endfacet' + '\n')
content += ('end' + bounds)
return content
I forgot to mention a couple of important points to complete the answer:
- There are some variables in the functions like mediaPath which you must change to whatever you want.
- The most critical part is not obviously to create the mesh. There is a coding challenge 25 from “the coding train” that can help you there. It’s JavaScript but the idea is the same.
- You should use numpy to do this. There is also a numpy.stl library which might have what you need.
Have fun
Read more here: Source link