elasticsearch – elastic RUM & APM Traces are not having same trace id
I came across the issue where I am not getting same trace id for RUM & APM transaction.
E.g., I initiate the transaction “add product to basket” and I get the transaction detail in APM (service – clothing) & RUM (service – clothing-rum) both but the transaction contains different trace id.
what we can do to get the same trace id?
My infrastructure configuration as below:
Application Hosted on: ASP. Net Core (dotnet6)
using Elastic.Apm.NetCoreAll;
var configuration = GetConfiguration();app.UseAllElasticApm(configuration);
"ElasticApm": {"ServerUrls": "https://XX.XX.XX.XX:8200","ServerCert": "~/lib/cert/ca.crt","VerifyServerCert": "false","SecretToken": "","ServiceName": "clothing","Environment": "DEV"}
RUM Configuration in html file
serviceName: 'clothing-rum',
serverUrl: 'https://XX.XX.XX.XX:8200',
SERVER_CERT: "\~/lib/cert/ca.crt",
VerifyServerCert: "true",
environment: 'DEV'
What have tried to solve issue
I tried setting up CORS policy in y APM server & setup the ditributedtracingorigins setting in RUM agent as below.
distributedTracingOrigins: \['https://localhost:9001', 'https://localhost:9000/%5C\*'\] `NA`
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