Do I really need a Windows 11 Pro MSR Partition on my hard drive?

W7 Hard drive partition issue

to get rid of that 100 meg windows partition that setup creates for you on a new install on a blank hdd:

– press shift+f10 when on the partition management screen in setup <– this opens a command prompt
– diskpart <– start the windows command line partition management tool
– list disk <— list the installed hdds in this computer for the next step
– select disk 0 <- might have to replace 0 with the number of the correct disk
– clean <– this will erase all data on the disk you selected one step up- dont use the wrong disk!
– create partition primary <- creates a primary partition taking up all space on the drive, adjust the command if necessary
– exit, exit to exit diskpart and the command prompt
– click refresh in partition manager and select your newly created partition and install to that


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