Different results when using OpenMP and FFTW (Openmp) / Ingrom
You are calling FFTW with the same plan p
in all threads. Since the plan includes the location of the input and output buffers (the ones supplied to the fftw_plan_dft_whatever
plan constructor), all concurrent calls to fftw_execute
will utilise those same buffers and not the private copies. The solution is to construct a separate plan for each thread:
#pragma omp parallel private(j,i,mxy) firstprivate(in,out)
// The following OpenMP construct enforces thread-safety
// Remove if the plan constructor is thread-safe
#pragma omp critical (plan_ops)
fftw_plan my_p = fftw_plan_dft_whatever(..., in, out, ...);
// my_p now refers the private in and out arrays
#pragma omp for
for(int j = 0; j < Ny; j++) {
for(int i = 0; i < Nx; i++){
mxy = i + j*Nx;
in[i+1] = b_2D[mxy] + I*0.0 ;
for(int i = 0; i < Nx; i++){
mxy = i + j*Nx;
b_2D[mxy] = cimag(out[i+1]) ;
// See comment above for the constructor operation
#pragma omp critical (plan_ops)
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