[device-mapper][virtualbox] fail to build with device-mapper-2.02.107-1
Virtualbox fail to build with libdevmapper.h from
***** Checking libdevmapper *****
compiling the following source file:
extern “C” {
#define private
char version[80];
if (!dm_get_library_version(version, sizeof(version)))
printf(“dm_get_library_version() failed.\n”);
return 1;
const char* v=version;
unsigned int major = 0, minor = 0, micro = 0;
for (; *v !=’.’ && *v != ‘\0’; v++) major = major*10
+ *v-‘0’;
if (*v == ‘.’) v++;
for (; *v !=’.’ && *v != ‘\0’; v++) minor = minor*10
+ *v-‘0’;
if (*v == ‘.’) v++;
for (; *v !=’.’ && *v != ‘\0’; v++) micro = micro*10
+ *v-‘0’;
printf(“found version %s”, version);
if (major*10000 + minor*100 + micro >= 10200)
printf(“, OK.\n”);
return 0;
printf(“, expected version 1.02 or higher\n”);
return 1;
using the following command line:
g++ -g -O -Wall -o
“-ldevmapper “
In file included from
/usr/include/libdevmapper.h:1663:13: error: duplicate
const void const *value; /* reserved value:
Bug is already fixed upstream with:
Read more here: Source link