Architecture |
Not acquired from Javascript. |
Acquired from Javascript. |
Server |
No server is needed to begin test case execution. |
The server is needed to begin test case execution. |
Oriented |
It is used widely for object-oriented programming. |
It is moderately used for object-oriented
programming. |
Browser |
It can test all the leading browsers including execution in headless mode. |
It can test all the leading browsers. |
Alerts |
It is capable of handling alerts. |
It is not capable of handling alerts. |
Dropdown |
It is capable of handling dropdowns. |
It is not capable of handling dropdowns. |
Dynamic Locators |
Elements can be located with dynamic locators. |
Elements cannot be located with dynamic locators. |
Record and
playback |
It does not have the feature of record and playback. |
It does not have the feature of record and playback. |
Mouse Actions |
It is capable of handling mouse actions. |
It is not capable of handling mouse actions. |
Performance |
It is fast as it communicates straight with the browser. |
It is not as fast as the Selenium webdriver because it does not communicate straight with the browser. |
iPhone/Andro id |
It is capable of testing iPhone/Android taking the help of Android Driver and iPhone Driver. |
It is not capable of testing iPhone/Android. |
Xpath |
It contains both absolute xpath and relative xpath. |
It contains only the absolute xpath. |
Listener |
It is capable of using the listener. |
It is not capable of using the
listener. |
Navigation |
It is capable of handling navigation. |
It is not capable of handling navigation. |
Usage |
It has a large number of APIs and can be used with multiple languages like Java, Python, C#, Ruby, and so on. |
It only has JARS available to run the test cases. |
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