Clip Manip version 1.0 by stev on
Select the notes you want to manipulate. Choose which parameter you want to manipulate, then choose the algorithm that manipulates that parameter.
The parameters you can manipulate are: Pitch, Velocity, Duration, Mute, Probability, Velocity Deviation, Release Velocity, and All.
Whichever algorithm you set will switch around the values of that MIDI parameter between the notes in different ways. The different algorithms are:
Scramble: Randomly scramble the values of the selected parameter.
Rotate: Rotate parameter values forward (+) or backward (-).
Reverse: Reverse parameter values.
Sort: Sort parameter values from low to high (+) or high to low (-).
Cut: Cuts notes at a selected note number (the “Cut At” parameter) and switches the 2 parts around.
Shuffle: Cut’s and shuffles the notes, like a perfect shuffle of a card deck. (Ex. 123456=142536)
The sorting algorithm has an additional tab which lets you choose whether you sort all of the properties of the notes by the selected parameters values (All), or just the parameter you are sorting by, keeping the other parameters as they were (Param).
$2 off till April 12th!
Only compatible with Live 12 and up.
Read more here: Source link