centos7 – Install and launch chrome in centos 7
I am trying to standup google-chrome with gui in centos 7 which is from AWS EC2, i followed all the steps as given below still i didn’t succeed, your help much appreciated.
- Install chrome
- yum install xorg-x11-server-Xvfb
- start chrome – google-chrome –no-sandbox –disable-setuid-sandbox
I am getting the below error :
root@ip-10-125-152-150 centos]# google-chrome --no-sandbox --disable-setuid-sandbox
[3455:3455:1121/062948.445478:ERROR:ozone_platform_x11.cc(239)] Missing X server or $DISPLAY
[3455:3455:1121/062948.445524:ERROR:env.cc(255)] The platform failed to initialize. Exiting.
[root@ip-10-125-152-150 centos]# [1121/062948.453798:ERROR:nacl_helper_linux.cc(354)] NaCl helper process running without a sandbox!
Most likely you need to configure your SUID sandbox correctly
following is os details:
AME="CentOS Linux"
VERSION="7 (Core)"
ID_LIKE="rhel fedora"
PRETTY_NAME="CentOS Linux 7 (Core)"
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