centos – MariaDB – Contiunes to use more memory

We are running Maria DB 10.6.9 on CentOS and we are observing it continues to increase the usage of memory.
Server Specifications:
RAM – 128 GB
vCPUs – 48
Swap – 100 GB

We have configured innodb_buffer_pool to 65 GB

Yet memory usage is as follows presently:
enter image description here

And we continue to see swap continues to increase.

The server is dedicated to Mariadb and no other apps running on that other than Mariadb.

Our loads subside at night but we don’t seem to see MariaDB recover and release any memory.

We have a similar DB server running MySQL 5.7.38 and see no similar issue.

Any insights that can help us to understand the following will be greatly appreciated:

  1. What is using the memory within mariadb ?
  2. What tables are loaded in memory that might be causing higher memory usage?
  3. How to further analyse any tools that can give us insight into memory usage of mariadb ?

Any other info you might require to help you understand our situation better?

Please find below the Innodb Status as of now:
Innodb Status

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