Captain Chords worth it? – Page 3 – Instruments Forum
Anyone have issues with the latest version of the Captain Epic Package (6.2.1018) ? I updated yesterday (using Studio One 6 on Windows 10 22H2) and while the install seemed to go fine – once complete some modules would launch – while others did not.
So I did a complete uninstall and started over by reinstalling another clean copy of the Captain Epic Installer from a local drive.
That too went OK – and while each of the 5 Captain plugins installed (64 bit) and appear to function correctly in Studio One – there are no built-in audio sounds at all.
Even when I went to the location where the sound should be – C:\Program Data\Mixed IN Key\Captain Epic Plugin\Odesi Sound Library – the directory is completely empty.
What gives? I uninstalled again and contacted support – which have been no help whatsover. Now what?
Appreciate any other observations from the field.
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