Bitwig Studio 5 Producer by Bitwig
Explore Bitwig Studio with professional tools for studio, stage, and beyond:
- For macOS, Windows, and Linux.
- 92 instruments, audio & note FX, and more.
- Includes devices in Essentials and more (e.g. Polysynth, Delay-4, and Humanize).
- Advanced modulation system with 18 modulators.
- Extended library of sounds, loops, and presets.
- Unlimited audio, instrument, and hybrid tracks and scenes.
- Unlimited VST/CLAP plug-ins with full sidechain and multi-out options.
- Professional editing and arranging tools, plus layered editing.
- Slice to Drum Machine / Sampler.
- 3 audio-stretching algorithms.
- Native hardware integration with MIDI/CV compatibility, plus full MPE support and multitouch integration.
- 8 display profiles for up to 3 screens.
- Unlimited audio i/o busses.
- Open multiple projects at a time to drag-and-drop between tabs, etc.
- Audio comping in the arranger and in the Clip Launcher.
{See video at top of page}
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