Automation Lock and tempo changes – Tracktion Forum

I’ve not tried any tempo automation, all my tempo changes will be manually changed on the Tempo Track.
It could well be the same cause as the tempo automation bug you describe, as I’ve come across serious tempo/time signature bugs in relation to copying/moving/exporting midi clips (especially when the piece is not in 4/4).
The automation points/curves i’m referring to in my problem, are only ones controlling the plug-in values (e.g. volume, pan).

1. Create a new project and add a clip (audio or midi) to Track 1 (with the Start of clip at bar 2).
2. Put an automation point at the beginning of the clip (bar 2).
3. Change the tempo.
… The start of the clip remains at bar 2, but the automation point has moved. (Same result if Auto Lock is ON or OFF.)

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