Autodesk forge – Error while loading Model

I have an IFC file that I can open with Forge viewer version 7.71 and earlier but not with versions 7.72 to 7.79. The view remains with the loading spinner.
I try with both svf and svf2 options when requesting conversion job.

Here is the error log:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'length')
at O.postLoadBubbleConsolidation (f42fd425-48e8-4395-9483-8669758069f0:2:164771)
at O.postLoad (f42fd425-48e8-4395-9483-8669758069f0:2:166089)
at Function.<anonymous> (f42fd425-48e8-4395-9483-8669758069f0:2:149625)
at u (f42fd425-48e8-4395-9483-8669758069f0:2:59301)
at XMLHttpRequest.v (f42fd425-48e8-4395-9483-8669758069f0:2:62363)


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