Apps don’t recognize file created by ffmpeg in flutter
I make use of this package in flutter (in Android):
flutter_ffmpeg: ^0.4.2
I run the following script section inside a async function:
final FlutterFFmpeg ffmpeg = FlutterFFmpeg();
await ffmpeg
"-i /storage/emulated/0/Download/a.mp4 -vn -sn -ac 1 -ar 44100 -ab 32k -acodec libmp3lame /storage/emulated/0/Download/c2.mp3")
.then((rc) => {print("FFmpeg process exited with rc $rc.")});
Now, the file is created. But the audio player apps just don’t recognize the file. Some apps will even run into an error if I try to play the mp3 file created with them.
Strangely enough, if I move the mp3 file to another folder and back, now all the apps are able to play it, and even recognized them after I send the file to be played. Why isn’t the mp3 file recognized right away (the flutter file system outputs true if I call “file”.exists()).
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