Any agent registration in k8s cluster with crictl runtime failed – Agents

Note: This category is not monitored by Support but Relics do contribute.

Tell us what’s happening. any attempt to register newrelic agent fails due to docker socket not found. Which is expected due to setup is based on crio runtime and dockerd new socket value

  • Describe the problem, include screenshots and error messages where applicable
  • Provide the steps to replicate the issue
  • Which versions of affected components are you using?
  • Provide Code/Query snippet (with hints about how to format)

Share some additional context.

  • Steps taken to resolve the issue. What docs etc. have you looked at? What did you try?
  • What should we know about what you see with New Relic that may be impacting the problem?
  • What should we know about your run time environment that may be impacting the problem?

Read more here: Source link