android – FFMPEG concatenating videos with and without audios
I’m concatenating multiple videos using FFMPEG, with and without audios to certain videos, i’m using following command but FFMPEG generating error over (:a audio filer) Stream specifier ‘:a’ in filtergraph description, matches no streams.
Even I’m using anullsrc for videos having no sound.
ffmpeg -i Video_202306_23_102709.mp4 -i Video_202306_23_102838.mp4 -i Screenshot_298.mp4 -i MG16885528.mp4
-f lavfi -i anullsrc=channel_layout=stereo:sample_rate=48000
-map “[v]” -map “[a]” -c:v libx264 -crf 28 -c:a aac
-movflags +faststart FinalTempVideo.mp4
I’m following this query Concatenate Video in ffmpegby llogan,
It seems the :a filter is not utilize with the videos having no sound, but issue is that I couldn’t distinguish between the videos having audio or not.
Moreover anullsrc is not making it a fix.
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