BlueARP VST Arpeggiator development – let’s discuss! (OSX MIDI-FX is out) – Page 130 – Instruments Forum

I have a FEATURE REQUEST: Please can you add the ability to import MIDI files with monophonic melodies and t0 convert them into an arpeggio pattern with identical melodic form.

This could be used for example to convert all the midi files used in UNIFY DISCOVERY for their orchestral patterns – currently played via the UNIFY MIDI player engine – into their BlueArp equivalents.

Why do this? because – like EAST WEST ORCHESTRATOR – by having all the patterns in an arpeggiator like BlueArp – one can do much more clever reharmonisation on the fly of the original melodic patterns. Something not possible when just playing midi files.

But being able to import melodic patterns from MIDI would be useful I’m sure for lots of other uses too,

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