ZOS-API C++ sample code can’t compile in Visual Studio – no ZOSAPI.tlb was generated

Need help to run through the ZOS-API C++ sample.  In zosapi.h:

#import “C:\\Users\\gangs\\OneDrive – kochind.com\\Documents\\Zemax\\ZOS-API\\Libraries\\ZOSAPII.tlb”
#import “C:\\Users\\gangs\\OneDrive – kochind.com\\Documents\\Zemax\\ZOS-API\\Libraries\\ZOSAPI.tlb”
// Note – .tlh files will be generated from the .tlb files (above) once the project is compiled.
// Visual Studio will incorrectly continue to report IntelliSense error messages however until it is restarted.

But the *.tlb files were not generated after build and restart the Visual Studio, and can’t proceed.


Read more here: Source link