Theme.MaterialComponents.Light.NoActionBar Causes Visual Studio 2022 to Ignore My Styles in Designer

I am attempting to add a to my Xamarin.Android app. This forced me to change my AppTheme is styles.xml to Theme.MaterialComponents.Light.NoActionBar instead of Theme.Design.NoActionBar. Doing this caused the Designer in Visual Studio 2022 to ignore some (but not all) attributes of my custom styles. Everything still looks correct when running the app, but it makes certain things hard to design. Why is the MaterialComponents theme causing the Visual Studio 2022 Designer to disrespect my style(s)? Thanks

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Theme.MaterialComponents.Light.NoActionBar Causes Visual Studio 2022 to Ignore My Styles in Designer

I am attempting to add a to my Xamarin.Android app. This forced me to change my AppTheme is styles.xml to Theme.MaterialComponents.Light.NoActionBar instead of Theme.Design.NoActionBar. Doing this caused the Designer in Visual Studio 2022 to ignore some (but not all) attributes of my custom styles. Everything still looks correct when running the app, but it makes certain things hard to design. Why is the MaterialComponents theme causing the Visual Studio 2022 Designer to disrespect my style(s)? Thanks

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